an inspiration, as of late

May 27, 2008

// super busy. Getting a good amount of work done, and I’m pretty proud of it so far. I’ll let you in on my new favorite band. The Bowerbirds are an amazing trio out of North Carolina. They have been stuck in my head, so I demand to cram them into your head as well. The next Arcade Fire? Nah, too minimalist and quirky. But, they’re great, and have been weaving themselves into my consciousness. The Bowerbirds are re-releasing their album Hymns for a Dark Horse sometime in June. I’ll be getting the vinyl. You’ll just be picking pieces of your brain off the floor because they just blew your mind.

p.s. – read a review by somebody who knows what the hell they’re talking about here.

gritty, beautiful videos here.

photo cred: Ian Merrit

MUTO – It won’t be the last you hear of this

May 20, 2008

If you don’t already know about this by now, you’re probably not cool enough. Try harder to be cool. This stop motion/graffiti/wall art is mind blowing. The only reason I can get away with posting this about 10 days after it was posted to you tube is that nobody actually reads my blog…yet. Yeah, I can see the numbers of visitors, where you live, who you voted for, and if you’re a jackass or not. If you’re not a jackass…then you already know this is good. Good shit. The world needs more brains like this man.

I would love to see what this man’s creative process was/is. The flow and rhythm of the animations made it seem that it was all improv and he just kind of let the art grow organically. Is that possible? From my experience, execution that looks like it authentically lacks planning and grew without a game plan or a map, takes so much more planning. Take my hair today for example. I like to think I have a nice head of straight-enough and dark-enough hair. Nothing to write home about, but hey. When I am faced with the difficult task of styling my hair, I have two options. I can spend ten minutes in the shower washing my hair and other human things, and five minutes getting my hair ‘just right’. Just right entails looking like I try hard enough at my hair to make it look like I rolled out of bed, but I’m put together enough not to care (but I do). Confused yet? Or, I could just actually roll out of bed. But, then it would look like I actually rolled out of bed. Ew. There might still be drool.


a) I like this guy. He can be my friend because he is good at art and I like people who are good at art.

b) It takes infinitely more effort to make it look like you don’t care, as opposed to actually not caring. I have a feeling this was a well planned, strategized and researched project. Creativity takes a lot of planning, a lot. Just ask any art student in Kinko’s at 3am.

great idea and a coffee date

May 7, 2008

This. is. big. This sort of creative problem solving is something I strive for. This bike is so simple, and so easy. It is not the complexity that makes it revolutionary, it’s the idea.

I want to drink coffee with these crazy inventors all day. Maybe they can put some of my ideas to life, and reject my more ridiculous ones. It is this kind of creative problem solving I strive for. They took a difficult and very real problem to heart. Thought about it. Rinsed and repeated. Then, they hatched this beautiful idea that solved this problem in a simple but fresh, original way.

I think GE or some other mega-corp. should throw a few engineers and Benjamins their way to make this idea a more viable reality for the third world. Think of all of the slow, piano music that could be set to images of happy children and their newly available clean water. (ineffective probably, but I can just see GE eating it up)

I am in the process of trying to befriend these geniuses via Facebook stalking, but I guess they are too busy being important and making me envious. If anybody out there has digits, tell them I’ve got approximatley $1.50 for endless coffee at Denny’s with their name on it.

circular square

April 29, 2008

circular square

Originally uploaded by wvs

I have been following this photographer for some time now. His innovative techniques compliment his wonderful eye. The way the composite panorama is used to create an alternate way of looking at the scene is genius. I feel like I’m laying down in some futuristic silo, with the urban giants closing in on me. Inspiration to look at the world around with a different lens at times (perhaps a fish eye?)

Great stuff. If you don’t know Sam, check out:

It’s like rocket fuel for your brain if you’re into photography.

…who spiked it?

April 29, 2008

You may (or may not) know that feeling. The feeling where it seems everything seems like it is so easy. That cute girl seems to really like your stories, and she didn’t even notice you spill your punch. After all, you’re the DD, and it is usually so difficult to talk to the cute ones and avoid the drunk ones. So, you make your third trip to the rest room in as many impromptu dance-offs. It seems possible to brush off the burning in your chest as heartburn and the flush cheeks as merely side effects of kicking so much ass on the shag-carpeted dance floor. Everyone knows you can’t resist Prince. After missing the door knob twice, the slow tide of realization is turning.

oh. my.

Everything that didn’t make sense, does. Your frame of reference is shifted, and you’re forced to take a closer (albeit wobbly) look at what you thought you knew about the situation. Yet, at the same time, a whole new set of problems have just made themselves apparent. It’s the stupid punch.

This is it. The big idea. A moment where fear and rationalization come together to make the most beautiful solutions. But, they are not all solutions, some are bad ideas; some are not attainable with my feeble mind. Perhaps it is this disruptive and mentally jarring moment where creativity lies. On the margins, and maybe a bit crazy.


I want this blog to be a way for me to keep track of the multitude of beautiful, insane and (most likley) irrelevant thoughts bouncing around in my head. Maybe this will grow into something magnificent, and maybe I will just look like an idiot. Either way, this is the jump-off.