an inspiration, as of late

May 27, 2008

// super busy. Getting a good amount of work done, and I’m pretty proud of it so far. I’ll let you in on my new favorite band. The Bowerbirds are an amazing trio out of North Carolina. They have been stuck in my head, so I demand to cram them into your head as well. The next Arcade Fire? Nah, too minimalist and quirky. But, they’re great, and have been weaving themselves into my consciousness. The Bowerbirds are re-releasing their album Hymns for a Dark Horse sometime in June. I’ll be getting the vinyl. You’ll just be picking pieces of your brain off the floor because they just blew your mind.

p.s. – read a review by somebody who knows what the hell they’re talking about here.

gritty, beautiful videos here.

photo cred: Ian Merrit